<body> this is my territory <body>
It feels different to be here

Hey all, welcome to my blog

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Name : Gavin Loh Suan Hong
Birthdate : 27'02'1990
School : Temasek Academy
Others : I'm really not emo at all

Trust me. I don't love any "HIM" it's just a blog skin

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's 1.07am now and i'm supposed to continue my blogpost about my outreach trip to China Yunnan. And once again I don't know where to start.

I guess that most people will start writing about things they've learnt from trips like such, what they've gained and then continue writing about the trip in chronological order, and so i'll do just that.

I believe most of all, or rather should i say, all of us SHOULD have learnt to be more appreciative about things that we already have, probably to complain less and to treasure things more. The villagers in China, let's not talk about technology and stuff, they don't even have proper sanitation facilities. Yes, Miss Koh did say it may be their culture and such, but this? We's aint even talking about a flush, toilet bowls and all, you're lucky enough if you dont have spiders crawling up your butts or see maggots squirming around in that shithole each time you go to the toilet.
And when i say hole, i really mean a hole. The public toilets in that area ain't what we really call toilets. It's just a dug hole with some wooden planks above to hold your weight and filled with a stench so awful i think even a housefly can die sniffing it. Okay take that back, the toilets are filled with undying houseflies. And when i say shit hole, i really mean a shit hole. Cause all that's in that "toilet" is, to put it nicely, human waste. Loads and piles of them. They don't have a flush remember? So people just go in there, do their business, and leave and they just remain there piling up until one day it fills till the top, then they shovel it away or down further in that hole.
Maybe that's the inspiration for the command "fire in the hole" in counter strike.

And here we are, complaining about little things like not having enough toilets in TJC? They only have one 'toilet' for the whole school population over there. Which on the other hand, aint alot. They have only 7 classes of around 40 students each, 1 class for ever primary school level and an additional one for preschoolers but that's besides the point

SO yup, that probably explains why i've learnt to treasure things that i have and not whine about things i don't have. If i were to ever complain about anything, slap me.

And then secondly, I've learnt how to interact with people better (I hope). And that I won't elaborate on.

And most importantly, I've realized the importance of working in a team. PW couldn't teach me that. But the lovely kids over there could. They showed me what competition really meant, some of the naughty horror kids did screw my days then real bad too, but that taught me the importance of working as a team (by team i'm referring to whole bunch of us tjcians in Yunnan). Okay here's the story.

On second thoughts, maybe i'll continue tomorrow, which is a friday, nov 30th which also sucks. Cause i thought 30th was a Saturday so i can go out, which sucks cause i've gotten that wrong too. Saturday is 1st of December, which means I have MIP that day which also means I can't go out.



Wednesday, November 28, 2007

North South East West
Home is STILL the best

It's Nov 28 today, and i've gotten back here on the 26th, which means it has been 2 days since the trip ended. Which also means, i've wasted 2 days doing nothing but sleep, eat and watch heroes.

Actually i have alot to post about but i don't know where to start from. My thoughts about the trip, the wonderful experience i had in Yunnan, my feelings, things/people who inspired me and so much more, but no worries, aint gonna post anything preachy so you peeps dont have to worry about getting turned off.

Maybe I'll start with... eh... I'll start tomorrow.
I'm gonna continue watching Heroes.

