<body> this is my territory <body>
It feels different to be here

Hey all, welcome to my blog

Do remember to leave a tag

By the way, I don't have friends


Name : Gavin Loh Suan Hong
Birthdate : 27'02'1990
School : Temasek Academy
Others : I'm really not emo at all

Trust me. I don't love any "HIM" it's just a blog skin

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's going to be my birthday tomorrow.
Finally 17.
New wings.
Expecting more freedom.
But with greater responsibilities.

Yesterday before i went to sleep. I was thinking, and i realized. Nothing in the computer you're using now, I'm using now, is real.

How much of that is real?

Happy birthday emo boy!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

25th february 2007
2 days till my birthday.
3 days till Wendy's birthday.
And it's my cousin's birthday today.
So Happy Birthday to you.
Zhu Ni Shen Ri Kuai Le
Zhu Ni Shen Ri Kuai Le
Zhu Ni Shen Ri Kuai Le
Zhu Ni Shen Ri Kuai Le

Okay sorry about not blogging for such a long time.
Life's been boring.
Stuck at home.
Raining outside, can't possibly go out. And I have no friends remember.
So no pool.
Stuck home playing stupid computer games.
So no gym.
No friends to chat with.
No msn. No phone calls. No life.

I think I'll do a short post because i forgot what i wanted to blog about.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

A countdown.
5 more days :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I got a new ipod nano. :)
Spent all my pay purchasing it, and then customizing it.
But still.
I love you dude.
My blood, my sweat (HAHA as the chinese saying goes)
I'll treat you better than my everything.

Life's great.
Cheer up Joel.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's day!
Belated one.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You can kill a man, but not a legend.

Rest in peace.
Uncle Ben.
May you find peace in a land greater than the wreck i'm in right now.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I used to always think that if there's something that i want really badly.
As long as i work really hard.
Or as long as i wait really patiently.
I'll get it.

Like for example, if i want good grades, if i put in some effort, concentrate and spend some time studying, I'll get it.
If i want an ipod nano, work hard, don't complain. I'll get it.

But it's only just recently, that i realized that there are some barriers that I'll never be able to overcome.
There are still some land that I'll never discover
Some things that I'll never get.

And that sucks.
Makes me feel so small.


Anyway. Valentines' Day in 2 days.
1 day to be really specific since it's 12.41am now.
But I have nobody. So maybe I'll go town and sulk at all the couples. Point finger at those who look at me. DONT RUB IT IN DUDES. Don't think you guys are all that big just because you get to hug someone when it's cold, to talk to someone when you're lonely, to date and go shopping and all that lovey shit.
I got a mp4 today 2Gb which i bought WITH MY OWN MONEY :)
And 2 tops which cost 40 bucks which i bought WITH MY OWN MONEY :)
And i treat my parents to lunch and dinner yesterday WITH MY OWN MONEY :)
Feels great.
New year I might even get my cute lil nephew a hong bao. HAHA.

Today i went out with the two lamers. Han Wee and Shara.
Han Wee said Shara will be my fashion consultant.
I thought she might be able to do some makeover or something so that i'll be a chick magnet.
She said that i should wear jeans.
According to her, I'm already so short, wearing whatever shorts will make me look shorter.
Broke my heart.
SHARA if you read this.
I'll like you to know.
That I'm just joking :)
Just another one of my lame jokes. But of course. Not as lame as you two alright _o_
I'm just so envious that you got an ipod nano.
I'll get my dad or mother to get my the new sony walkman mp3 HMPF.
But i doubt they have the time anyway.
And my dad just got home.

I uploaded some photos. Check them out if you would.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

It's been a really long time since i last felt this fk-ed up.

It was a really long, tiring and shitty week.

And today Uncle Ben died.
He loved me more than he ever loved anyone else.
I don't know what to say.
He's like a 2nd father to me. Always giving me the best he had.

When my mother broked the news to me while i was working, I had tears welling up in my eyes.
I mean.
I don't know

Rest in peace
I love you really.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

C'est la vie

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Don't leave things to fate ever!
That's what i've learnt today.

I guess we were never meant to be...

Ever had those kind of days where everything just seems to go wrong?

I woke up around 8-9am and couldn't get back to sleep.
Then the researcher called me around 11am and asked why am i not in the imre institute.
Dude we don't have a session today.
The session was YESTERDAY GOONDU.
And you weren't there yesterday.
Don't be so unreasonable!

Then Han Wee and I went to tm so that i could get the girl X's number.
He wants to wei wo da qi. (Actually i bet he just wants to see show that !*^%!#$)
And then girl X isn't around.
So i was A LITTLE too depressed.
But i won't give up just yet.

The other shop assistant, this time a guy, told me she's at causeway.
I was like, "Tui!!!"

So Han Wee went to visit poor old sick joel while i made my way ALL THE WAY to causeway.


I waited for an hour. Chit chatted with my boss and the other friends in the store.
Got presents for valentines' day.
:) At least i did something meaningful and didn't wasted the trip down.
But still.
Stupid cupids not working today
But I won't give up just yet :)


You stopped a truck driven by a swarthy looking fellow in a top hat. Help yourself to the cargo he said, cheerfully. You went round to the back if the truck, opened the door and out jumped an angry, 28 stone adult female gorilla. As the truck drove away from your mangled form you could just make out the name of the local traveling circus.Leader looses -23 Health and Driver looses -17 Health.

I was this leader -.-lll

Monday, February 05, 2007

And i know it sounds so old
But cupid got me in a chokehold
And i'm afraid i might give in
Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin'

Both my hip hop dance instructors got in the dance floor.
And from what i know.
One is in a all-girls dance group PERFORMING THIS WEDNESDAY, tomorrow, known as Platinum.
And vote for them alright.

And the other. I'm not too sure. But good luck dudes.
I can't watch the dance floor this wednesday, I'll be at vivo's Best working part time :'(. So i'll catch the replay if there is any. Or is anyone going to record it down for me?
Anyone coming to vivo to support me?
5pm-10pm BEST

Finally Blogging
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Finally blogging after such a long and tiring week.
Things that happened over the week.
1. Went to NYP with Shara for their open house.
2. SEM hands on
3. S'pore vs Thai match
4. Part-time job interview
5. Converse warehouse sales with Leong Heng

1. Was it Sunday? Or was it saturday. Doesn't matter. Shara POLITELY asked me to accompany her to NYP for their open house to support her elder sister. It was relatively near my house, only 20 mins bus ride to yio chu kang, so i agreed.
When we got there, i remembered that Kaijie lives in the vicinity. SO, we called him and POLITELY asked him to come down and join us. But he rejected us. His excuse? He's having tennis training then.
We should not lie! Especially to our best friends!
Liar liar pants on fire kaijie.
Well anyway, so the open house was GOOD.
The girls were GOOD-looking.
The hip hop dance moves were GOOD.
It was a GOOD experience.

2. Han Wee was injured the day before i had the SEM hands on. He sprained his ankle. And so now, Joel and I know that he's the real lamer.
Hey lamer, are you reading this?
Think of more lame jokes please. Nobody can be as lame as you now.
And complains.
I had to attend the SEM session ALONE.

3. Beale POLITELY asked if i wanted to go. And being a not-interested-in-soccer-at-all dude, I rejected him initially. BUT after knowing that around 10-15 guys are going. Being a great friend, I agreed.
When i got there, Vishi asked if i know it's S'pore vs Thai that day.
Well obviously I know.
He then asked why i'm there.
That obviously I don't know.
Nonetheless I'm glad I went. And in fact i believe i got the best seat. Right in front of me, is this young boy (around 7?) who's a soccer siao gina (he really is a siao gina). He curses and swears and points his middle finger and jeers and boos so much louder than the whole stadium all added up together. Right behind me, is this act cool malay dude who acts as if soccer-is-only-a-game and as if life-is-so-boring. And even though i don't know him, he act as if he knows me really well, asking me to cheer for S'pore when they goal and boo Thai when they scores before the match. And 3 seats in front of me, is this "Cheerleader"
Haha just thinking about this cheerleader dude makes me laugh (seriously LMAO)
He's this old man, probably in his mid 50s, and he's so influential, when he blows his whistle "cheering" for the Thais, the referee, the lousy crosses, THE WHOLE STAND "cheers".

4. And today, i went for a part-time job interview for two weekends doing sales on electronics, maybe in Sim Lim Square. My dance instructor introduced me to the job. The pay was good, but i'm going to do it more the experience. I lack job experience in sales, and if i do it, i guess i'll be more well-equiped with some necessary skills in sales and more so on communication when i grow up.
8 hours a day, 8 bucks an hour + commission of 30-50 for each speaker set sold.
The interviewer asked me several questions that test me on product knowledge, and alot on thinking outside the box. There were a few tricky ones too.
When we're done, she told me with a smile that she's impressed by me and she'll hire me :)
I knew I can do it.
I have the confidence.
The style.
The skills.
The experience.

5. After the interview, i met up with Lame Hong, my buddy, brother, best friend. Just because he called me around 12noon to "jio" me to the warehouse sales.
It was the first day of the sales, and being a great friend, i couldn't possibly turn him down.
He's been working for 2 months and according to him, it's time to spend all the money he earned.
(He reminds me of me :D)
And i met some dhs dudes in the warehouse. Wenger and Chew Guan the NOOBs. Hi there :)

Long post. About time i start doing my newspaper articles.
Later :)