<body> this is my territory <body>
It feels different to be here

Hey all, welcome to my blog

Do remember to leave a tag

By the way, I don't have friends


Name : Gavin Loh Suan Hong
Birthdate : 27'02'1990
School : Temasek Academy
Others : I'm really not emo at all

Trust me. I don't love any "HIM" it's just a blog skin

David the REAL noob
Friday, January 26, 2007

The reason I sing :)

Enthroned within my soul.


Can't live a day

Without your presence.


Toy R Us. I think i'll never ever truly grow up and mature. :)

And these days, I'm in a really good mood. Well Han Wee, Joel and Magdelene will know the reason why.


Okay. Whatever :)

And btw today's Vellayappan's birthday (spell check, indians have really long names. p.s. i'm stating a fact and i'm not being racist, i'm not one)


Oh btw i gave him something, a supposed "birthday present", it's a DBS brochure which says, "may yoube rewarded with the power of the black".




And here are some pictures of david the NOOB, and Gavin the PRO dominating the NOOB.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy 1st MONTH Chloe!!
This is a post specially dedicated to baby girl Chloe and first-time daddy Desmond. :)
A really happy post.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I love because you first loved me.

Friday, January 19, 2007

It takes two hands to clap?

Who said so?

Even if it's just 1 hand, that hand is still able to clap and make so much noise as long as he/she keeps knocking himself/herself on the wall.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I decided not to continue my 2 gays in sentosa story anymore. Since it's old and probably outdated so nobody wants to read it anymore.
So I'll start off with another story. Actually it won't be much like a story, it's more like a report, review blog post.
Today I noticed Han Wee's url list, address history (or whatever you call it) was filled with blog links. So I was surprised, knowing that he do not visit blogs really often, or more commonly known as, blogsurfing.
He said that only bloggers read other bloggers' blog.

AND only then i realized that he's quite right.
Looking down my tagboard list, I can't help but notice that most of the taggers are bloggers.
Those that ain't are those that i (think i) forced to tag.
It's not like there's alot of bloggers around too.

So I wanna know the reason behind why taggers are mostly bloggers.
Is it because:
1. Bloggers are more able to empathize with one another, knowing how much time each and every one of us bloggers spend on posting, templates and et cetera.
2. Bloggers are the real geeks, they have no life, thus when they get bored, and have nothing better to do, they spend hours and hours blogsurfing to kill time.
3. Bloggers don't have friends (like me), and are desperate to find friends (i'm not saying i'm desperate alright) so they are left with only one option (blogs) to friend-hunt.
4. There are MORE bloggers than non-bloggers.
5. Bloggers enjoy linking one another, and since they link one another, they find it a commitment to visit one another ('s blogs) as well.
6. Other reasons?

Monday, January 15, 2007

I woke up really late today. Reason being my parents took the day off, and there's nobody to wake me up.
And relying on the alarm clock is really a bad idea, cause I usually can't help but snooze it all the time. Just a little too tired i guess, especially since I reached home around 1 plus am the day before.
And I was almost certain I'm going to be late. I'm supposed to be waiting for the shuttle bus at clementi MRT station by 8am, but I'm still on the MRT around 8.15.
Furthermore, I overslept.
I'll never go for late-night movies ever again if there's a job attachment or school the very next day.
And I don't really know the way to the institute from the station, so I was kinda frustrated with myself, so I just took a cab which cost 7 bucks.
And guess what?
The researcher was busy today, so he could not 'entertain' us. Instead we're supposed to find butterfly samples. So we left the research institute early to do some reading-up and preparation work. How unlucky can one get?
And I have no idea how are we supposed to get butterfly samples without nets and traps. So Han Wee and I, being such amazingly innovative and smart dudes, decided that the butterfly park or what's more commonly known as the insect kingdom is the best place to go.
One OFF day + trip to Sentosa. I was almost very certain I might not be as unlucky as I thought I was.
And it's the first day the Sentosa's express train is operating. So we're probably the first 100 using the new express train \o/
The ticket counters were full (not with customers, but with Sentosa promoters), while there's barely a handful of customers. So they look kinda... bored? (the people selling the pass)
Maybe because it's Monday?
We realized we're not in beachwears <-- Meaning no sun, no tan, and no sand for the 2 gays.
--to be continued--

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Din't blog at all for one week.
And since sms requested me to UPDATE.
So here i am again :)
It's 1.51pm right now, but I'm so tired that I think I'll probably fall asleep (if not drop dead) almost immediately if I am to go to bed now.
Just got home from Tanjong Pagar (is that how you spell it?) and I'm going later with my parents to watch The Last Dance. It's NC16 right?
I'm old (and MATURED) enough :)

Well let me summarise what happened over the whole week.
Job attachment on tuesday and thursday.
And we're not allowed to blog about our job attachments.
Believe me.
Read this.
"IMRE - please remind the students that they must be mindful of not divulging any sensitive info. The institutes are engaged in research work that will yield patents and/or marketable products. Some of the students have signed a non-disclosure document."

So forgive me :)
Monday, Wednesday --> Went to school because our (Han Wee and I) researcher is too busy.
Did alot of sleeping-in-the-library.
And very little mugging-econs.

Looking through the calender, I realized that Valentines' Day is 1 month away! On a Wednesday, that means WTF, am i going to be stuck in IMRE on Valentines' Day from 9am to 5pm?!!

It sucks enough not to have someone to celebrate Vday with, BUT to actually work on Vday?
Perfect no-lifer (lol perfect? and no life?)
I'll think of something to do, and MAKE DAMN SURE that I can turn up in school at least.

Friday --> The school made it compulsory for us to turn up for PE, GP and ECONs lecture.
And our mentors for A*star, went missing.
Mr Chee, askachee's great friend, is supposed to be our floating mentor. But when approached, he said he is'nt.
5 minutes later, guess what?
He emailed (and sms-ed) Han Wee on what we're supposed to do with regards to our job attachment.

Saturday --> Morning - SLACK.
Afternoon --> Church service. Really enjoyed myself. And my cell group bought me a bible!! It's the best present I ever received. I can never thank you guys enough. Thanks :) I really appreciate it.
Night --> Fellowship at kallang mac. (I'm supposed to be on a diet and mac=trans fat, a big NONO)

Sunday --> Today :) Let's see what happens. OH and sorry sjab dudes, it's not that i pangseh, i never agreed to go to the outing in the first place :) Have fun!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

When I fall in love I take my time
There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind
You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine and I'll tell you why

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

hANnWEe.+_blACKjACK™ x.-_. says:
this is so disappointing

17 : Smack that says:
this is so disappointing.

Lee Tat says:
this is so disappointing
Lee Tat says:
this is totally disappointing
Lee Tat says:
lee tat insist

~Joel~ one wonders whether every new year signifies a new start says:
this is so disappointing

vishi said:
this is so disappointing

jia_he_1@hotmail.com says:
this is so disappointing
jia_he_1@hotmail.com says:
this is freaking so disappointing

Beale. i ran out of gift ideas. so i brought you some meat from my refrigerator. says:
this is so disappointing

taking your own life: now ain't tt fun? says: (Vellay)
this is so disappointing

[-Graham-] once a slacker, always a slacker? darn. says:
this is so disappointing

.:' Δαβίδ ':.™² says: (NOOB aka david)
this is so disappointing

I'm not exaggerating. Everyone's so disappointed with the lack of CHIO BUs in the year one batch.