<body> this is my territory <body>
It feels different to be here

Hey all, welcome to my blog

Do remember to leave a tag

By the way, I don't have friends


Name : Gavin Loh Suan Hong
Birthdate : 27'02'1990
School : Temasek Academy
Others : I'm really not emo at all

Trust me. I don't love any "HIM" it's just a blog skin

Friday, December 29, 2006

Yesterday I met lao da, Gerrard in the gym.
And Irene!
What coincidence.
So a few more days till school reopens. I kinda accepted the fact that it eventually will.
But I don't feel any better :(
Tomorrow's going to be New Year's Eve.
And the day after, happy new year. Though I dread the new year so much, but i guess a new beginning's will be great too :)
A short post. But a happy one!
Have fun dudes.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I don't want all these to end!
I don't want the holidays to end!

Been trying to log in Blogger. And taa daa!! (drum rolls)
So i sent new year cards today to those who sent me christmas cards.

And sorry I was lazy so I din't send anything to anyone.
Hope the new year cards won't be late. They shouldn't (and wouldn't) be :)
So HAPPY NEW YEAR (!!?!?!)

Went for this New Year's party today.
And I had a great time definitely.
The theme was "Kings and Queens".
So the thing is that I am supposed to dress like a King (and everyone else too).
Any-King. Like for example...
A few lame ones that I can't remember who came up with.
King Coil (or is it Koil?)
Burger King
Sand King, Skele King (hahaha. not hard to guess who came up with this)

Well. I went around looking for stuff, costumes and all.
And I couldn't get anything.
In the end, I had to smoke my way through.
So I just merely said. I'm goodlooKING.
Hahaha. And they accepted it.

Got some photos to update. But will do it some other day.
It's 1am now. And I'm kinda tired.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The christmas service at Singapore Expo's good.
Special thanks to Mr Cheng for inviting me.
And to his cell group for making me feel invited.
And to all the strangers who hugged/hand-shake me merry christmas.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Finally i've got some time to settle down and at least blog about what happened these days.
Overnight mahjong.
Overnight dota sessions.
Christmas shopping.
Shopping for clothes at queensway.
I don't even have time to chat on msn.
And i barely have more than 20 hours of sleep the whole of the last week all added up.

Ok first. I have some complaining to do.
I was scouting around for a new bag. And i wanted those, really glossy ones. Think hard. You've probably seen one of those before, converse? nike? Those with the slings.
And i found what i wanted. 3 days ago. In queenstown's Zinc store.
It was this 80 bucks limited edition bag (ask me and I'll show it to you personally).
There's only 100 white ones and 100 black ones in the region.
Okay so what's so cool about this bag.
Well. Each one has a number on it, and the number's totally exclusive to that particular bag.
From 1-100.
Ok you don't get it do you?
OK let's say. This bag has the number 19 on it, it's the ONLY ONE with the number 19 on it in the whole region. Unless you take into consideration the other color. So there's a number 19 white one and a number 19 black one ONLY.
So each one has a particular number on it, from 1 to 99.
Get it?

And I insisted on getting the white one with the number 27 on it.
So that sales assistant in Queensway called the HQ, and confirmed that they have the stock. Both white and black.
But not in the store that time.

You'll probably know how the rest of the story goes.

This stupid guy wants this stupid white limited edition bag with the number 27 on it.
He has only 80 bucks with him that he don't wish to part with.
So he wants to wait at least 2 days before he gets the bag.
The 2 days passed.
He had so much fun playing games and watching movies and going out and eating at weird places.
He calls Zinc.
And they tell him.
"Sorry dude, someone bought the number 27 this morning. We don't have any more 27s."
He's angry.
He ran all the way to bugis.
He ask his parents along.
His dad asked the sales assistant if they can make a new 27 (what joke)
His dad wants them to try to find that 27 (what joke)
His dad made a lot of noise. (no joke)
Haha he just wanted to bully the sales assistant a little (cause he's a really cute and nice guy though he doesn't concentrate much on his job)
MY dad asked him if the bag would melt if I left my tablet inside it for too long since it's really hot.
And the guy was like sorry sir i don't know.
MY dad then carried on asking whether it's durable or not.
And that guy went, well that depends, it's durable only when you take good care of it.
So i was thinking, okay this guy is one of the suckiest salesperson, but at least he's honest.
In the end.
The stupid guy has to buy the ONLY one left in the store, the number 86, which is on display.
Moral of the story? Limited edition stuff. They're unique. DON'T DRAG. Don't be stupid, you want it you buy it FAST. Cause when it's gone, it's too late to regret, and even your papa can't get it back for you.

But still I'm glad, cause my mother kinda convinced me that 86 isnt that bad either, hey dude look. It's the only one isnt it?
Find me a white one with the number 86 on it and you'll only find ME. :)
Btw. My dad's funny. :)

OH before i forget.
I want to thank God.
Because today.
I saw.
The campus superstar. You know.
Like cool, I'm your HUGE FAN.
So hi there :)
And i was too shy to ask for your autograph.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Maybe you guys are right.
I might be a little impulsive.
A little unpredicatble or maybe even fickle.

But the thing is that I've already made up my mind.
And nothing much can change that.
So I've decided to call Mr Lim, and tell him that I'm quitting the club.

I don't really know what to say.
But i guess. I'm sorry.

So now i guess everyone wants reasons to why I'm leaving.

I have no issues against the trainings. Neither do Philip.
But the thing is, climbing's an individual sport.
I can always pursue it outside of the club like the rest of the world.
Nobody said that one has to be a club climber to be able to climb.

And another thing is, since I already don't have the intent of staying.
I as well give up that slot to another guy who might get kicked out due to the downsizing of the club.
It's just unfair for me to stay when i don't want to while another poor soul gets out when he would love to stay.
I am not that honorable as to say that I'm being self-sacrificing or something like that. It's just that I know that I don't want to stay. And some1 else who would love to stay.
Fair enough. I'll leave.
For me, and for the other guy who ever he is.

So all I want to say to any climber reading this.
And thanks for the great year together.
And all the best for your climbing "career".
We'll meet. Again :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

How do i start this?


I was almost utmost sure that I've already decided on leaving the club.
The reasons to totally overwhelms the reasons not to.
I no longer feel that sense of belonging to the club.
The thing that i value the most in trainings, is not the training value, not the hours spent sweating it out and pumping every muscle you can possibly think of. But rather, it's the friendships, bonds and care that club mates share and form during the process.
Take that away from me, and I'm left with nothing.
And in fact, I'm almost left with nothing.

Add on to the fact that I'm very unhappy with the teachers.
I'm almost certain that I'm going out the door.

So I told Philip (AKA The Sick Coach) that I'm going to quit.
So he called me (luckily he did, because in-coming calls are free!) and we chatted for quite some time.
And he offered me a whole new perspective.
There are always people out there who are constantly trying to put me down.
There are always people out there who are constantly trying to make life hard for me, picking on me and all.

I can always choose to be nonchalant or rather, imperturbable, about things.
Nonchalant about teachers coming down harsh on me.
Nonchalant about lame-o trainings and all.

But however laid-back I look, these things affect me the most.
And it's just not me to be so unconcerned.

And knowing that some people do care for me somewhat shook my decision to quit.
I'm quitting, no doubt.
But I would love to make a final stand against all odds.
I've decided to do this for myself.
Not to fulfil any obligations.
Nor to please anyone.
So I'm staying. How long? I'm unsure. But I'm staying at least for now.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

It is love that i most covet.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm probably the unluckiest person on earth.
But still, I'm glad I'm alive.
And I'm glad I know what I want.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I just went to the doctor today.
For treatment for my super sensitive (and irritating) nose.
In fact, I should have went to the doctor much earlier.
According to the doc, it'll take at least 6 months for my nose to heal.
Till then, I'll have frequent running nose and all that crap.
SO, I'm irritated.

I told my dad I'm really pissed with my nose.
So he told me a (real) story about my stupid brother.
When my brother was young, as in really young, even before i was borned (1-2 years old) he lived in my aunt's house for a couple of months, because my parents couldn't cope with their job and at the same time juggle a baby. Hey, look, it's their first child, and being quite newly-weds, they had no experience at all, so they seeked help from my aunt.
ANYWAY, that's not my point.
So my stupid brother, had this stupid implusion(?) of trying to feed nuts (kachang puteh or however you spell that yellow malay bean food) into his nose. And he did it. 2 of them.
And they remained inside for some time.
My parents din't know.
And neither did my aunt.
During this period, he had frequent nose bleeding.
So my dad decided it's time to send him to the family doctor.
And he freaked out.

Our body's a amazing thing.
MY brother had 2 freaking kachang puteh in his freaking nose.
And it's a surprise that they din't decompose and grow maggots and all that crap.
The reason why?
My brother's body instinctively wrapped the 2 freaking kachang puteh up with I don't know what to protect my brother's body from much harm. When the doctor removed them, they were covered in this white spiderweb-looking stuff (according to my dad, remember? it's his story). And he was really lucky.
Imagine growing maggots in your nose. And they start feeding off your meat.
Never mind.

Anyway I'm glad I'm not stupid enough to try eating kachang puteh using my nose when I'm young. x)