<body> this is my territory <body>
It feels different to be here

Hey all, welcome to my blog

Do remember to leave a tag

By the way, I don't have friends


Name : Gavin Loh Suan Hong
Birthdate : 27'02'1990
School : Temasek Academy
Others : I'm really not emo at all

Trust me. I don't love any "HIM" it's just a blog skin

2C outing
Thursday, November 30, 2006

2C outing was on tuesday. But i was too lazy/pissed/bad mood/irritated to blog on wednesday.
The movie ended around 10.30pm, so i reached home pretty late, and tired. You won't expect me to blog anything good when i'm tired.
And so.
We watched Happy Feet, and Zhi Hao's right. The movie's a lousy one. It's one of the super boring animated movies that if there's nobody watching with you, you'll be cursing and swearing and then leave without even bothering to ask for a refund. (But I don't think there's anyone BUT Zhi Hao who will watch movies all by himself/herself)
Ok maybe it isn't as bad as I said it was. The part where Happy Feet plunged into the sea after deciding to pursue the "aliens" to try to convince them not to steal the penguins' fishes touched me. I was thinking, if i can be as decisive as he is, I'll be much happier. Those that din't catch the movie won't understand what i'm saying.
Ok so today's thursday. My mother went for this IKEA open ceremoney event in Tampanies early in the morning. She TRIED to wake me up around 6am to try to get me to accompany her there. Well, you know, Gavin can NEVER wake up around 6am just to go to IKEA to do what, shop?
My mother's irritated with the fact that it's the holidays and I seem to (in fact I am) spend much more time with my friends than with my family. I even rejected her offer to go overseas for a holiday. But what can i do?! My parents don't play pool, they don't bowl, they don't shop (as much as i do), they don't have trainings and they don't understand what i want!
Maybe they do, maybe that's why my mother's feeding me with cash as if she's in a frenzy these days.
And trainings are a dread to me now.
I don't know why; It's just me I know.
And Jia He's right, trainings without Firdaus are super weird; He's been our climbing partner for 2 years already.
Hey look. It's my life and I'm almost in total control.

Monday, November 27, 2006

It took me long enough, but I'm slowly understanding what it actually might mean to live from my heart instead of the head, what it actually might mean to live my own life.

I just found out that my dad's a needle phobic.
Dad is afraid of needles?!?!

That goes to show that everyone has their weakness(es).
And my weakness's you.

As we go on

We remember

All the times we

Had together

And as our lives change

Come Whatever

We will still be Friends Forever


"Graduation (Friends Forever)"

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The lonely guy needs MORE than just hope and reassurance.

I went to the gym today for some weight training.
I reckoned that if I want to attract MORE attention, I need to have a really toned body, muscles and all. And adding to the fact that I dyed my hair like a chao ah beng (Sarah, Wendy & Jia He said so), and that I'm wearing a ear stud all the time, I'll be some Mr. Popular. Haha.
And guess what.
I met Gerrard in the gym. He's my primary school friend. We had lunch together, talk shit about everything around us, rockclimbing, basketball and etc.

And he's really tall. He said he's 180cm.

Ok the fact that I'm short's really getting on my nerves.

Birthday "party" 25/11/06
Saturday, November 25, 2006

I'm a little late. It's my dad's birthday yesterday, 25/11/06. And we had this "party" thing going on in my house. Had some stupid buffet (and i'm supposed to be on a diet) which started from around 3pm.
Jia He and Zhi Hao were around as well. Since Zhi Hao stayed overnight the day before, and i promised Jia He to go to the gym earlier this morning (or yesterday morning) but in the end, I din't wake up early enough. It was all Zhi Hao's fault, because he was pestering me the night before, chatting and chatting.
My family said I'm the shortest among my friends. -.- Which is true.. But it somehow made me feel somewhat.. Inferior?
Damnit -.-
Hahaha. Anyway the "party" lasted 8.5 hours? From around 3pm till 11.30. And half the time my dad wasn't around, he was working until 5pm. And after he reached home. He said hi to my aunts, uncles and cousins, he went to bed immediately after a shower.
Birthday boy needs some rest.
And I din't get anything for birthday boy. (BOY?! 40+ a little too old to be a boy, but since it's his birthday..)
So here's a post dedicated to my dad.
P.S As promised, i won't disclose your age. x)

Anyway, if you asked whether we had fun or not.
Well.. The guys spent one whole day in my brother's room, playing Winning Eleven, Ninja turtles, Dragon Ball, Dota, FM (Jia He only).
That's entertainment. But not exactly my type of fun.
I rather play more POOL, and thrash Zhi Hao again. HA

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Almost everyone else out there wants to be someone else, maybe their favourite actor, a rockstar, a teacher or some really cool dude, but all I want to be, is be myself.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

There will be times when it will be just You against the World.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I'll be with you as long as you want me to.
Until the end of time.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ok, so now that OBS is officially over, I don't really know what to do about my holidays.

OBS was great. It fastened things together. Brought people of different beliefs together in a common cause or emotion. Did so many stupid things, and made so many new stupid friends. And of course, found myself more bonded with my originally-already-good friends.

And i finally found some self-confidence, and no longer living in a world of self-doubt. I realized I am who i really am, I don't really need to change myself to suit the world. Nobody expects me to be anybody else, I guess.

The course was really fun and funny (HA). Especially when we decided to NOT sleep in the tent that we spent hours building, but to just simply lay a mat by the sea and sleep there. And i thought we were the only ones who wants to sleep by the sea (Me, Zhong Ting and Jia He AKA Mary). In the end, Lee Tat came along. And the girls too, because they complained that there was something roaming the campsite, and it (or they) went into their tents as well. According to their description, it was something that doesn't have fur, and was pretty fast. The guys went to check (Zhong Ting and Lee Tat) and found nothing, or at least they couldn't see anything in particular in the dark. Haha, so Jia He and I concluded that it's probably Vellay sleepwalking into the girls tents. In the end, close to 10 of us had to share one pathetic mat, and so we all can't get to sleep. Campcraft? Useless crap.

Furthermore, I found out that Jia He and Yifan talk in their dreams. Jia He asked me for a pair of forks and spoon the other day. And i was like HUH?!? So he repeated himself before starting to snore in like 20 seconds. As for Yifan, he nudged me in his sleep and ask me to pass, then before turning and back-facing me. He was like:''pass hor". I was thinking, pass what, pass your maths test is it?

Short post, I'm going out soon. x)

Conscious or unconcious.
Voluntary or involutary.
I don't know.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I think that i really need to compile the lists of things to do during the holidays. The holidays will probably end really soon. And before i know it, I will be saying things like, why din't i do this and that. And be really regretful.

I don't want to think back after the holidays and think that i wasted the holidays. So:
1. Work. Job. Probably part-time to get some $$ to spend.
2. Study a little.
3. Make new friends
4. Recover from my previous injuries on my left arm
5. Blog a little more x)
6. Boulder a lot more
7. To train my stamina. So i'll jog a little every day.
9. To be a better person. (How? No idea)
10. To learn how to control my temper.
11. Have fun and PARTY.

Well I'll add more to the list when i think of something.